100 years of service of your company
Since our foundation, we have understood how essential it is to become the best ally of our customers so that the logistic chain of goods not only arrive not only arrive on time but also optimal and efficient. optimal and efficient. Our business is to make your business successful. Our business is to make your business successful.

Each project tailor-made


We create a solution adapted to your business and your procedures, integrating with your systems to ensure greater optimization and efficiency in each office.


Our software and AI ensure the minimum margin of human error and live traceability of customs procedures.

Robust Processes

Our processes ensure a fluid and immediate communication that helps the agility of the procedures and avoids unnecessary delays.

Dedicated team

Each client has a dedicated team of highly qualified individuals who ensure that all processes and procedures are carried out in accordance with the law.


Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

The AEO is a status by which PARTIDA is considered as a trusted agent by the European Union regarding our activity in customs matters.

With clear benefits for our customers:

  • Reduced number of physical and documentary controls
  • Priority in physical and documentary controls
  • Centralized national dispatch
  • Facilities to benefit from simplified customs procedures


All our operations comply with INCOTERMS criteria to ensure the highest standard of service.



PARTIDA has become the first Customs Representative in Spain to obtain the Compliance Certificate.

PARTIDA’s management, in its firm commitment to crime prevention, has promoted and provided the necessary resources to be effective, the design and implementation of a Crime Prevention and Detection Management System, certified in accordance with the UNE 19601 standard.

OAS Compliance, positions us as a reliable organization for Customs and, above all, for our customers, suppliers and government institutions.

Our customers endorse us

Testimonials from customers who have placed their trust in us

A team prepared to manage large volumes

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Available every day of the year
Algeciras, Motril, Almeria & Tangier

Customs news

In this section you will be updated on the latest news of the sector